Seems i'm missing out by not utilizing the blogsphere!! Everyone's doing it (and it's good for you!!) - even me?!?!? er, here,
which goes hand in hand with my podcast (whhooo, more netsploitation): and even newer but something that will develop with vim and bile ...
Do I hate music? No, I love it, but I despise the shallow bog it has mutated into...
Sorry, back to here..seems I can , as others, put up my measly artistic endevours that spew from my pencil from time to time - as I am currently, as it were, contractless, I am not in the habit of the diligent scribble, but who knows, perhaps by bunging stuff here it may inflame the fitful spark of creativity to workable heights and I can get in an extra six-pack on occasion..
Here for example, a friend posted a link on a forum I subscribe to and I thought of a local connotation for the situation....
I'll do some more when the wind blows in the right direction....or I'll dig through the debris on my desk and find some previous situational malarkey...

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