I must apologise, It occurred to me to pack my camera but thought 'Naaah, I'm on my way to collect my bike, ...' so I've only cellie pics. I must make take another trip there with a proper camera, methinks!
Studebaker Hawk - droolworthy indeed!

A bloody great big black Ford:

Two more Fords- Fairlaine 500s - niiiiice

A gem of a '39 Chevy, rodded in authentic mat black stealth-style, I want this one!

A beautiful '68 Jaguar, straight out of some classic British copper tv series...

Out in the yard were a few 'need-a-little-work' models:

I love old cars, I don't think there's much on the road these days that matches the styling, anything post '75 is some generic computer streamlined carbon copy of something else...
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