Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back in the saddle

Next week sees me launch of on my own steam again after a fruitless (somewhat involuntary) return to retail display. The lack of posting here is probable evidence of my state of mind as of late, trolling into the airport everyday in order to either pack/repack shelves, install/repair crappy shopfitting or cater to the unsubstantial whim of someone higher up the chain, blah.

Anyway, bygones, as from next week I'm dusting down and resurrecting my silk-screening and in addition to that I've invested in equipment to print on other things like mugs, plates, puzzles etc and a badge making set-up...

The mind boggles at what I can put images on - and from that, what I can create to suit each medium. Essentially I'll be creating stuff to supplement Candi's puppy training operation and then grow from there as I familiarise myself with the mediums.

All in all I see more time on hand to continue my cartooning/illustration aspirations. First up, get cracking on Marc Latilla's script!

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