So, as I've explained, I've left the dreary world of retail display, a field that, by and large, has devolved into a position of jumped up shelf packer, the object being - to get as much stock on the floor as possible, without piling it too high that customers will knock it over...
I've done some silkscreening before and intend to get back into that, perhaps stretching my abilities to more experimental pieces as opposed to simple t-shirt designs, playing around with half tones etc.
In the meantime, I've invested in some equipment that takes printing on objects one step further. The one thing I can now print on to is a mug! A bit of design and manipulation on the computer and my cartoons can appear on drinking utensils of various size.
I can bung photos, slogans and my own illustrations on the mugs and I see me having a lot of fun with this - everyone wants a personalised coffee mug- don't they? Well, if they don't, I'm gonna have an awful lot of mugs in the kitchen cupboard..hahahha! The finished product is really quite splendid, good, strong colours and totally dishwasher safe - years of drinking pleasure!
Initially, I'm working on ideas based around dogs/cats as Candi is running her puppy/dog classes from home so I see a bit of a captive market there. I want to look at limited runs of 'arty' mugs, perhaps featuring local artists' work and I want to explore small runs of souvenier type stuff as well. I'm thinking a few (local) band related ideas could come to mind as well.
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